
Just buying collagen is not enough – there are ways to really make it count!

Deciding to take collagen is a simple choice that will bring many good changes to your life. We all want to have shiny hair, glowing skin, strong nails, and supple joints. But it gets a little bit complicated once you have to figure out the best way to take collagen and how to add it into your daily routine. Do not worry. We have gathered some simple hacks that will help you to get the most out of collagen and to do it right.

What to watch out for before starting?

If you are really endeavoring to help your skin and try to make it look younger, there are a couple of simple environmental factors to watch out for. Getting these right, will enable you to get more out of collagen. First, make sure you are not burning your skin and getting obsessed with tanning. Second – by all means, avoid smoking. Studies have shown that smoking can age your skin prematurely since it affects collagen synthesis.

Taking collagen with vitamin C

If you hear from someone or read somewhere that it is necessary to take vitamin C with collagen to see real benefits, you should know that it is true but also not so true. Let us explain. Vitamin C is a nutrient that can help boost your body’s natural production of collagen, but consuming vitamin C with the collagen is not necessary to get the full benefits of it. Therefore, vitamin C will help, but it will not drastically change anything.

When is the best time to take collagen?

Different strokes for different folks. Some collagen users swear by taking collagen in the morning, on an empty stomach to maximize absorption. Others swear by taking it at night so your body has ample time to process the collagen while you sleep. If you are working out, it definitely makes sense to take it on those days, as the amino acids can help regeneration. You should do what feels best for your body and fits best into your daily habits.  

Collagen likes company

If you are a coffee or a tea lover, there is no need to worry: hot water will not damage the collagen or weaken the benefits in any way. Whether you like to take your collagen with your coffee or your smoothie, the benefits will still be there.

At the end of the day, the best way to take collagen is the way you enjoy it the most. If you enjoy taking collagen, you are more likely to take it consistently. And the best way to make sure that you are taking enough collagen is to actually enjoy taking it. Whether you like your collagen in your morning coffee or with a smoothie at lunch, as long as you are taking it, you will reap the benefits.